الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2020

Download Caveman Stories by Torrent


         Download Caveman Stories by Torrent

  • Format: ISO

  • Size: 1.07 GB
  • Date: 26-11-2018
  • Release: DARKSiDERS
  • Quality: DVD
  • Region: 0


This game invites you to participate as a true caveman in the ice age. However, the protagonist has lost his tribe and therefore his career. As your sole purpose in life, you must either fight to survive or find your way back home. On the other hand, inexplicably the world progressively freezes and is completely covered with a white earth, as the cavemans who have never seen such a thing call the snow.



Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: Intel Core I3 or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB of RAM
Graphics: GTX 640 or higher
Storage: 1 GB of available space


Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: Intel Core I5 ​​or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB of RAM
Graphics: GTX 960
Storage: 1 GB of available space

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